Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Off-line Reason

OK, the first BIG question that i bet is on everyones mind is: Why is a 24/7Server offline? ok, my answer to this is the following: because alot of extra people have been joining (341 in the past 5 days!) i need to update the Server protection (crashers, spammers, glitchers) and that will take a while. the Server WILL be back online at 6:30 pm GMT, just in time for veterans hour. Ok, the next question is From Anna or Hot n Sexy; my answer to this is: we are setting up a donation system via paypal so i will be able to pay for a VPS and also you will be able to donate your runescape accounts :) this question is from pretty much everyone: i have demoted ALL uncertifiec MODS, the only mods in-game are on the ::mods list. ok the final answer i want to cover for everyone is the next big update, following the new home area. this update will be a Grand Exchange, it will basically be a new command so if our buying/selling you can put it in a shopand when you buy/sell an object, it will be announced to the server :) thanks, and keep playing!

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